Facilitating companies’ innovative business processes with design

An idea activator who believes in the power of collaborative discussion. I develop viable service and business strategies by leveraging user and market insights.

Hello, my name is Yu!

I am a human-centered design strategist based in Amsterdam. I have experience living and working in the USA, Japan, and the Netherlands. I have helped companies to achieve their organizational goals by offering design research, service/UX design, workshops, and corporate innovation programs. Bridging the gap between users, businesses, technologies, and cultures is my passion. I love envisioning meaningful goals with teams and developing a way to make them realities. Let’s make an impact together!

Innovation Facilitation

User & market research

Co-creation workshop

Design & Strategy


Helping companies to establish innovation culture and systems

Building internal cultures and ecosystem is necessary to produce innovation successfully. I understand that each company has different challenges in establishing an innovative base. Therefore, I listen carefully to each client’s challenges and seek an appropriate path forward together. Whether it be employee training, new service design in a sandbox environment, or campaigning innovative processes internally, I support clients through the design thinking approach.

HCD & lean startup training/lecture
Corporate innovation program
Internal innovation campaign
Entrepreneurial projects support


Uncover users true needs and explore design opportunities

Understanding your users and the market landscape is the key to producing successful services and products that solve important problems. It also provides hints to improving retention and conversions of existing services. To identify unique opportunities for clients, I conduct user research and delve into market trends/insights to understand them from a holistic perspective.

Interview / focus group
Survey research
Ethnographic research
Field research
Desktop research
Insight analysis


Identifying clients' strategic paths by facilitating interactive workshops involving key stakeholders

Collaboration with multiple stakeholders is the key to creating a holistic solution that solves a problem. I invite people to meet and create a safe discussion space. I provide a structure and ask critical questions to clarify vague ideas and help craft them into a concrete vision of the future, whether it be online or offline.

Identify opportunity area
Clarify company/project vision
Identify unique value proposition
Journey map / System map
Solution ideation


Developing business strategies and translating them into services/products

I develop strategies to achieve business goals based on user, market, and stakeholder insights. I translate the strategies into a tangible design, create a prototype, and test if the strategy is valid and how it can be improved. The design is typically passed along to clients after multiple iterations.

UX wireframe / Prototype
Customer journey
Content direction / UX writing
User testing / Design Sprint
Product development roadmap

Project Cases

Showcasing some client projects as examples


Shall we have a chat?

Email me at: yunamie21@gmail.com